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OUR MISSION We Firmly Believe......


To Preach and Teach the whole counsel of God without restraint. We identify our faith with the same Faith as the Apostles; therefore, we follow the same mandates.

​To create an atmosphere of love among members that nourishes the spirit, soul and body.

​To encourage fellowship that will enhance and ignite continuous positive development and stability.

To provide God's people the opportunity to participate in worship and witnessing, which we believe, are positive attributes to soul winning and unifying of the body of Christ in preparation for the coming of the Lord.​


To provide adequate accommodations to facilitate resources for training and motivating every age group within the local assembly and community.

"We are the voice that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort and peace.”

OUR VISION We Strive For......

To improve the quality of every individual's life we come in contact with. Thereby, challenging men and women to change and to be strengthened through biblical principles, influences and to establish strongholds of faith in Jesus Christ.

OUR VALUES We Hold Dearly......

All that we say and do is founded in honesty, openness, and respect.

To increase and promote Christian morals, restore wholesome family ethics, teach financial principles and proper conduct in daily living and business affairs.

RESPECT - That everyone in our assembly and community be treated with the highest standard of dignity, adhering to personal responsiblity.

COMPASSIONATE - Provide care with sensitivity and trustworthiness.​


HEALTH - Nurturing of the whole person, respecting physical, emotional and spiritual needs.​


TEAMWORK - Recognize the gifting of each member and the unity that results in manifested fulfillment.​


EXCELLENCE - Present the greatest quality service unto GOD, congregants and community through faithful dedication of every member.

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