Minister Eric G. Daye, Bethel Christian Assembly

Oct 1, 20192 min

A Testimony of Protection

Oh, Bless the Lord for His Mercies Endureth Forever!

On August 17, 2019, approximately 11:15 am, I was up on a ladder repairing a dormer on a house. I had already repaired three dormers and this was the last one. As I eased up the ladder to secure a strip of wood, I felt the ladder starting to shift backwards. The ladder started to shift and so did I. There was absolutely nothing for me to hold on too. There was no way for me to secure the ladder to the roof, due to how the ladder was positioned. I remembered the ladder shifting. The next thing I knew; I had fallen to the ground! But God had His hand in the mix! I landed on top of the ladder on my right side, thus hitting my jaw on one of the rungs. I also sprained my right wrist, injured my right knee, tearing my ACL. In addition to the above injuries, I encountered several scratches to both arms and my right leg was in excruciating pain!

Once regaining my composure, I began to check myself out. As I was examining myself, I began to bless the Lord! Although I was in pain; I raised my hands, blessed and gave thanks to God for sparing my life. This dreadful fall could have easily gone the other way. I could hardly hold my head up or down due to the pain. It was hard to walk because it felt as if I were going to fall. Both my arms and inner right knee were in so much pain. I could barely open my mouth. My jaw was also numb and in great pain. I was astonished to the fact that I had just fallen from a ladder about 15 to 20 feet high!

As I drove myself home, I decided to visit Fort Bragg’s Emergency Room. Upon arrival at the emergency room, I was seen by a doctor who asked several dentists to examine my jaw. The dentist immediately sent me to have my jaw x-rayed. After reviewing the x-rays, it was determined my jaw was broken and it would require wiring it shut for proper healing. But God! The broken jaw was a miracle all by itself. Yes, the jaw was broken between two muscles that held it together. This prevented it from being wired shut. I bless His name for His goodness and His mercies in which He has shown towards us. God is good to us even in our foolishness! When we cannot see the dangers lurking around us, His mighty angels are there to bail us out. Who wouldn’t serve a God like this!!

Prior to this incident, I was just talking to the Lord saying, “It seemed as if everybody is having a lot of great testimonies and I don’t have any.” Be careful what you ask God for! We never know what will happen from day to day.

I want to add and leave this final thought with you:

“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got” -Robert Brault
